Under Pressure? Wiggle It, Just A Little Bit
Your knuckles are turning white, every muscle is tense, and though temps are mild, you’re sweating like you’re wearing a wool coat in the middle of the desert on a hot summer day.
We’ve all been there – under pressure.
Whether putting for birdie on the 18th in the middle of a major championship tournament or playing a weekend round for bragging rights with the guys, nerves can creep up on anyone. But, you CAN overcome.
This month, our friends Holly Sonders and Martin Hall from Golf Channel Academy’s School of Golf are looking at several ways you can help improve your game while playing under pressure.
For instance, to control the level of tension in your body, rest the club against your leg and shake the tension out of your arms, hands and fingers. Watch exactly how in this video.
See all Golf Channel Academy’s tips for playing under pressure at GolfChannel.com.
– The Daily Tee
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