Golf Pranking on April Fool’s Day
If you can’t have a bit of fun on the course then what’s the point of playing right? Golf, at its core, is meant to bring friends and family together in order to create lasting memories and enjoy each other’s company. This April Fools’ Day provides a great opportunity to tell a bit about an experience I had while playing a round of golf with my father a few years ago.
Always known as a bit of a prankster, my father is infamous for throwing tees during my backswing, hiding clubs and making fun of just about every errant shot (which is usually justified). Well, back in 2009 it was a steamy southern Florida day in June and we had a 2 pm tee time at Sandestin’s Raven Golf Club. We braved the heat for cheaper greens fees, because no other knuckleheads were senseless enough to actually play golf in 105 degree heat.
After watching my father poke a drive about 265 yards in the middle of the short grass, I lined up for my tee shot. Not to be outdone, I gripped the handle of my club ready to fire-off in epic fashion. I zoned out his laughing about how much better “this old man” was than me. My backswing was pure and connected like never before with the ball.
As I watched my ball cut through the air, it began to take a sharp turn towards the houses. “Wait for it!” my father said with a chuckle. Then, “BANG!” The sound of my ball hitting the roof of a house echoed through the air like shotgun fire.

What’s the best golf-themed prank you’ve ever seen? Send us your stories: TheDailyTee@golfnow.com! Photo by Lolpranks.com
Through his hearty laughter, my dad said, “It’s okay; I’ll give you a mulligan. Just let the pro tee the ball up for you.” He then set my ball up on a tee perfectly in the middle of the tee box. As I lined up to the ball, I was completely oblivious to the diabolical scheme he had in store. It had been planned from the second he offered to pay for the round of golf.
Again, I gripped the club firmly, ready to redeem my first shot. Looking down the manicured fairway of this stunning Florida golf course, I imagined my ball soaring directly over his and landing well ahead of it. This time I was going to be the one snickering. Again my backswing was pure, my hips swayed perfectly and the club head stuck the ball square on the sweet spot. All I heard was…”POOF!”
Through the cloud of white powder, I saw my father writhing with laughter on the ground. The prankster had struck again! It all started becoming clear; he had placed an exploding-powder golf ball on the tee. This was something he had planned from the moment we booked the tee time. I should have known, as he is always looking for a bit of “added” fun on the golf course. Through my irritation, I was able to laugh, though. When it comes to practical jokes, no matter how hard I try, he will always be the champ. And, honestly, it makes playing golf with him that much more entertaining.

Golf Digest pranked spectators parked at a golf event by placing these stickers on car windshields. Photo by Golf Digest
I know I can’t be alone here, right? If you have a great “golf prank” story, please share it with us by emailing TheDailyTee@golfnow.com and maybe we’ll feature you here on our blog for the world to laugh with you on April 1.
Happy pranking this April Fool’s Day, everyone! Hit ‘em well out there, but beware of the exploding golf ball!
Featured image of an exploding golf ball courtesy of Kevin Stanchfield.
Your Dad must enjoy life! 🙂
My dad and I played together many, many times. Dad had a friend named Eddie that would join us for a scramble every year, sponsored by Dad’s bar…Eddie had an affinity for putting his golf ball in his mouth to clean off grass stains, etc…On this 1 hole my ball was on the green close, and Eddie had hit his over the green. While Eddie and his cart partner fetched our other teammates ball, dad got Eddie’s and prceeded to place it between his butt cheeks…Eddie asked, “did anybody pick me up?” Dad pulled his pants down and mooned him. He asked, “Is this it?” Needless to say, we all laughed pretty hard…The next hole, we got to the green and Eddie, as always, plopped that ball right in his mouth…Yep, that ball had only the hole before been in dad’s butt…I don’t think I have ever laughed so had on a golf course?
A few years ago, playing in the fall in Myrtle beach … 2 threesomes, I’m in the second threesome …. coming up 18, par 4, I boom a drive …. I look up to the green and see my buddies, standing around the green, waiting for us …. about 130 yards …. 8 iron … right at the flag! …. I knew i hit it really good … Instead of applause, my friends are bent over laughing histerically! As I approach the green, the flag is nowhere near the hole … propped up … my ball is less than 2 feet away …. I did’nt know what to do laugh with them or use my nine iron on them …. well they gave me the putt …. for a birdie, and then bought me several drinks … laughs all around …. thats what memories are all about! Thanks for jogging my memory! LEON